Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yoti's Choice

Last night there was a meeting with the parents and the principal of Wirt/Emerson Visual and Performing Arts High Ability Academy (that's a mouthful isn't it?). We (the parents) were invited to come and "share our concerns" and "receive information." Well concerns were shared but no information was received.

I said it before, I'll say it again...we are well into a full month of the Fall 2010-2011 school year and every school day of that month I have asked my son two questions -- "Have you received your textbooks yet?" and "Do you have homework?" Each day I am met with a "No." Actually, no that's not quite true...one night he did say that he had to do some research on the internet the penny (I think I mentioned that incident in one of my earlier blogs). And Thursday night his friend called to tell him that their homework assignment (he was out sick Thursday) was to watch the movie Oliver Twist Thursday night and be able to discuss it Friday morning. Ok so, two days(out of how many?).

I don't think that I can fully explain how assinine I think giving a 6th grader who is in a High Ability program an assignment of researching the penny without first putting into context the assignment or having said assignment actually having something to with whatever they were learning in the classroom that day is to me. Nor how stupid I think giving the assignment of watching a 2 hour movie at a time when the child should be getting ready for bed that is being shown on a channel that most people don't subscribe too. I shared this with the principal and you know what he told me? "Well that teacher came from Banneker".  WHAT THE HELL???!!!  I DON'T CARE WHERE THAT INSTRUCTOR CAME FROM! That is NOT the kind of homework I expect for my child who is enrolled in a High Ability program.

Ok, so then I asked about how can we be a full month into the school year and my son only has two textbooks. Could he please, if it is within his capablities, could he please tell me when we will the children be receiving the rest of their textbooks? You know what he told me? That the Gary Community School Corporation has order new textbooks. Some of them have arrived. Some have not. We're waiting on the rest. We don't know when they will get here. Really? Seriously?

For the better part of a month, I have gone to meeting after meeting. I have listened to promises and declarations and I have seen no one be accountable or take responsibility for what they are doing to these children. Our children are being left behind. My child is being left behind.

I didn't get much sleep last night. I wrestled with this for a good long while. I woke this morning and I realized that I am angry, I am disappointed and I am devastated. So, here's the thing....I realized I am not angry at the Gary Community School Corporation, the Superintendent, the School Board or the principal. I am angry at myself. I had a choice. I HAD A CHOICE and I did not make the right one.

You know, I knew when I enrolled my son in Banneker last year that I was making a mistake. I knew that Gary Schools were a hot mess. I knew that he was not going to the quality education that he deserved. But, I listened to the advice of others. I got caught up in the hype and I drank the koolaide. I chose and I chose wrong. And now, my son's education is suffering. He deserves better and I did not do right by him.

I won't do that again.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you made a choice, and that is cool. You have to do what you have to do. But this situation is WRONG on so many levels. The children are being failed.
