Wednesday, August 24, 2011's really not raining

It's been a deplorable first week of school. The buses are over crowded. Schedules are still incomplete. There seems to be NO distinction between the High Ability Students and those who are in the Visual and Performing Arts program. There is however, co-mingling despite what the administration told us in June and lunch has gone up from 90 cents to $2.10! Can you believe that?

So, rightly so, most of the former Banneker parents planned to voice their concerns at the next school board meeting that was held last night. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend but I did listen on the radio. I was appalled by some of the things that I heard. There was no accountability. There was however, a lot of blaming and finger pointing all the while each member claimed to want to be "transparent." The Gary  Community School Corporation and the School Board should be ashamed of themselves. But that would mean that they actually had a conscious and cared about the children they claim to represent. Their behavior last night was nothing short of childish and unprofessional and I got that just from listening to the meeting on the radio.

While I was listening to one parent after another account the horror stories of how their children have been treated this past week, I kept hearing my bestfriend's mother's voice in my head. She had a saying that she used to say "Don't stand there and piss on me and then tell me it's raining."

Why do we still have the same bus company that hundreds of parents complained about last year? Why are the buses over crowded? Why doesn't the bus company have enough buses to safely accommodate each and every student? Why aren't the schedule of classes, locker assignments and books ready for the students at the time of registration or on the first day of school? Why did I receive 3 phone calls (THREE!) from Dr. Myrtle Campbell that the school year was off to a great start? SERIOUSLY!?? Who is she trying to convince me or herself? Why is the School Board's main concern the firing of the in-house counsel? The Gary Community School Corporation and the School Board are pissing on us. The question is how long are we going to let them?


  1. I remember Dee's mom saying this quote. I am sorry this school year is starting off on such a sour note. I have confidence that you and other concerned parents will take them to task on what needs to get done. I am interested in reading future blog posts on progress.

  2. I am so very glad you are sharing this experience. I believe we all should be concerned about the welfare of the children within our educational system. This kind of unorganized, unprofessional and plain ignorant behavior just has to stop. It does not put students first, nor does it reflect well of the administrators, teachers and staff that work within the system. I am wondering why the physical welfare of children is not being considered, nor is parents time and commitment. The children of Gary are suffering and the risk of possibly failing them in any way is unacceptable. The cost is too great.
    Thanks for sharing, keep up the effort, I support you all the way!
